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7 Effective Ways for Building a Loyal Audience 2022

Everybody is your potential customer, you just have to figure out the perfect pitch to allure them. There, I said it. There are billions of websites, actual stores, and all sorts of advertising sources working 24X7 in one single direction, getting loyal audiences. 

If your service, brand, or art have got something, sooner or later people are bound to hear about them. But, what happens afterwards is why you are gawking at your screen at the moment, the beautiful metamorphosis of a lead into sale, but can you retain them?

According to the National Law Review, the cost of acquiring a new customer can cost you five times more than holding onto the ones you already have spellbound. So, you know what the wiser choice is here, right? Here are seven effective ways to keep a customer coming back: 

7 Effective Ways for Building a Loyal Audience

7 Effective Ways for Building a Loyal Audience

  • Focus on Target Audience 

When they say the world is your canvas, sure you can make everyone a customer, but then again you have to start from a particular side on the canvas as well. So, the first step is to identify who are your potential “repeat customers”? 

This will help you focus on your half leads, rather than spilling your beans all over the floor. 

To know them is to be with them, so first of all collect as much information as you can about your potential retainers. Collect their name, sex, income, education, profession, location et cetera. 

This will give a fair idea to your marketing team or your marketing agency, how likely is it that this person is going to shop at your business again, and what can be done to lure the person back, if they won’t?

  • Hypnotize Them With Your Content 

You must tell them what they want to hear. Give them what they want to read. Ensure they are watching what they want to see from you. Their story must be the key plot of your business. 

Testimonies are one great example of this practice. Make your audience feel involved. No customer has ever complained why their short video is playing on the large screen in your store, or as a feature video on your website. 

  • Help Them!

As per tech giants, Microsoft, 52% people around the world think that companies should take actions on the feedback they provide. No one can make every customer happy but you have to keep every regular customer happy. 

Conduct Question/Answer rounds on your website or store. Taking your social media to solve customer complaints and answering their queries will also go a long way in this way. 

This way your brand will be a brand that “cares”, no one switches a store they can trust. 

  • Be Consistent

Your outcome must reach new heights every single day. There is no compromise when it comes to the results. If you ever while running a company had the urge to make compromises in your product or service’s quality, you must be prepared for the worst. 

Your customers chose you in the first place due to your quality, maybe quantity even. Chances of retaining customers without being consistent is zero into thousand. The bottom line, never ever compromise on the quality of the final product or service. 

Take McDonalds as an example, McD in Indiana and McD outlet in New York will have the same quality burger. Consistency makes them the most successful chain in the world. Now you know whom to look up to. 

  • Use Your Community

Your business is promised to hit the jackpot when your community will think of it as one of its own. The most powerful type of advertisement after all this technology we have is stil, word of mouth. 

Your community should spread the word, what new revolution you are bringing in this world through your business. This will not only end up being the cheapest marketing campaign for your business, but will also ensure that your community always buys from you, hitting two targets with one stone. 

All you have to do is to identify something common in your business and your community or something that your business is doing for your community. 

  • Invest in a Digital Marketing Campaign!

The only people who are not using the internet or a smartphone are the ones who don’t want to use the technology, otherwise the digital bug has stung every single one of us. It will be one of the safest investments, marketing wise. Practically, you can target the whole world, there is no limit on the internet. 

Even if you wish to target a particular audience, it is easier to identify and prepare a separate campaign according to them. Digital marketing campaigns pay most of the time when done right. If Statista is to be trusted, brands all around the world spend, freakish 167, 289 million US dollars on digital marketing. You have to have the right plan. 

  • Make Them Feel Special

The customer is your wife, you will have to keep winning their heart daily, if you want to live a happy life. Now that we have established this fact, what makes any wife happy? Surprises!

Surprise your customers in all the ways you can. It can be as simple as sending a happy birthday message to your customers or giving them an extra discount on their marriage anniversary. These unexpected incentives will help you grow a strong bond with your customers.

When a casual gift on birthday or various anniversaries can be interpreted as a sweet gesture, you may not want not to over commit it, by stalking your customer’s social media. 

Ending Note

These are seven strong points that will help you secure a strong dealer customer relationship. When these points will help you gain more returning customers than ever, one thing that will stand above all these is going to be your intention. You must believe in your intentions of caring about your customers at all costs. 

You can be a startup owner or can be a CEO of a big company, both of your living depends on how well you will retain your customers. Even if you do not have it in your heart, you must start believing in helping your customers from now. 


Asad Gill

Asad Gill is a serial entrepreneur who founded SEO Calling, a holdings company that owns: Provide top-rated SEO services, and product selling over 50 countries with #1 worldwide digital marketing consultancy firm. (Contact: [email protected]) (Skype: [email protected])