Marketing Social Media

LinkedIn Video Ads: Creating Compelling Content that Converts

Recruitment Marketing on LinkedIn

Video content has become a powerful tool in digital marketing, and LinkedIn is no exception. As the platform continues to evolve, video ads have emerged as one of the most effective ways to engage with a professional audience. But creating video ads that not only capture attention but also drive conversions requires more than just hitting the record button. This article explores how to craft compelling LinkedIn video ads, highlighting best practices that can help you maximize your impact.

The Power of Video on LinkedIn

Video content is highly engaging, making it a valuable asset for brands looking to connect with their audience. On LinkedIn, video ads offer a unique opportunity to tell your story, showcase your products, and communicate your message in a dynamic and memorable way. Unlike static images or text, video allows you to convey emotion, explain complex ideas, and build a stronger connection with your viewers.

Incorporating video into your LinkedIn ad strategy is essential for standing out in a crowded feed. However, it’s important to follow LinkedIn ad best practices to ensure your videos are not just seen, but also drive the desired actions. This involves understanding your audience, crafting a compelling narrative, and optimizing your content for the platform.

Understanding Your Audience: The Foundation of Effective Video Ads

Before you start creating your LinkedIn video ad, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of your target audience. Who are they? What challenges do they face? What kind of content resonates with them? Answering these questions will help you craft a video that speaks directly to your audience’s needs and interests.

LinkedIn provides a wealth of data that can help you understand your audience better. Use the platform’s targeting options to narrow down your audience based on factors like job title, industry, company size, and more. This ensures that your video ad reaches the right people, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Crafting Your Message: Keep It Clear and Concise

When it comes to video ads, clarity is key. LinkedIn users are busy professionals, so your message needs to be clear, concise, and to the point. Start by identifying the main point you want to convey and build your video around that. Whether you’re highlighting a product feature, sharing a customer testimonial, or offering industry insights, make sure your message is easy to understand.

The first few seconds of your video are critical. This is when you need to grab your audience’s attention and give them a reason to keep watching. Consider starting with a hook—a compelling statement, a provocative question, or a surprising fact—that draws viewers in.

Length Matters: Keep It Short

Attention spans are short, especially in a professional environment like LinkedIn. To keep your audience engaged, aim to keep your video ad between 15 to 30 seconds long. If you need more time to convey your message, make sure that every second counts and that the content remains engaging throughout.

While it might be tempting to cram as much information as possible into your video, less is often more. Focus on delivering a single, clear message that aligns with your campaign goals. If you have multiple points to make, consider creating a series of short videos rather than one long video.

Visuals and Sound: Creating a Professional Look

The quality of your video matters. On LinkedIn, where users are accustomed to polished, professional content, a poorly produced video can do more harm than good. Invest in high-quality visuals and sound to ensure your video looks and sounds professional.

That said, the most important aspect of your video is the content itself. Even a well-produced video will fall flat if the content isn’t engaging or relevant. Focus on creating visuals that support your message, whether it’s through captivating imagery, clear graphics, or compelling animation.

Don’t forget about sound. While many LinkedIn users watch videos with the sound off, having a strong audio component can enhance your video’s impact for those who do listen. Consider using captions to ensure that your message comes across even without sound. LinkedIn makes it easy to add captions to your videos, which can also improve accessibility.

A Call to Action: Guide Your Audience

No video ad is complete without a clear call to action (CTA). What do you want your viewers to do after watching your video? Whether it’s visiting your website, downloading a whitepaper, signing up for a webinar, or contacting your sales team, make sure your CTA is clear and easy to follow.

Your CTA should align with your campaign goals and be placed prominently in your video. Consider including it in both the middle and the end of your video to reinforce the desired action. The goal is to guide your audience smoothly from watching the video to taking the next step.

A/B Testing and Optimization: Fine-Tuning Your Video Ads

Creating a successful LinkedIn video ad often requires some trial and error. A/B testing is an essential part of this process, allowing you to experiment with different versions of your video to see what resonates best with your audience. Test different aspects such as video length, messaging, visuals, and CTAs.

Once your video ad is live, monitor its performance closely using LinkedIn’s analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics like view count, engagement rate, and conversion rate to gauge the effectiveness of your ad. Use these insights to make informed adjustments and improve future campaigns.


LinkedIn video ads offer a powerful way to engage with a professional audience and drive conversions. By understanding your audience, crafting a clear and compelling message, and following LinkedIn ad best practices, you can create video content that not only captures attention but also converts. As video continues to grow in importance on LinkedIn, mastering these strategies will be key to staying ahead in the competitive world of B2B marketing. Whether you’re new to video ads or looking to refine your approach, these tips will help you create content that resonates with your audience and achieves your marketing goals.


Asad Gill

Asad Gill is a serial entrepreneur who founded SEO Calling, a holdings company that owns: Provide top-rated SEO services, and product selling over 50 countries with #1 worldwide digital marketing consultancy firm. (Contact: [email protected]) (Skype: [email protected])